“Al-Hayat Management System (P). Ltd.” Acts as the bridge between the employer and employee. We will look after the necessary paper works and documentation, co-ordinate interview through well qualified technical and administrative experts, medical examinations with authorized medical institutes/ doctors and at the end select the right candidates for the right post for company’s requirements. We Also co-ordinates all connected activities like advertising, trade testing and training and any other services requested by the clients. “Al-Hayat Management System (P). Ltd.” is committed to fulfill the need of healthy, honest, professional and competent manpower as required by the employers abroad.

The main objectives of this organization are as follows:
- To supply Manpower as per the job description provided by the client.
- We trust in Quality not in Quantity.
- We are always trying for 100% satisfaction.
- To provide satisfactory customer service through continuous improvement of our service quality.
Quality Objectives
- To provide global overseas employment opportunities for Nepalese workers.
- To help uplift country’s economic standard/status by providing qualified manpower to The world.
- To help share, learn and explore further advancement for Nepalese eaxisting manpower.
- To provide efficient and effective human resources for product oriented job.